Topics 12-14

  • 1562 BCE

    French Wars of Religion

    French Wars of Religion
    Date: 1562
    It was a time of civil war between Catholics and Protestants. This was a war between two families the Catholic Guise family and Catherine de Medicis. In the end, the Protestants won the final battle, but the majority of the population remained Catholic.
  • 1492 BCE

    Discovery of Americas

    Discovery of Americas
    Date: 1492
    The so-called discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus who was funded by the Spanish Crown caused many changes. There was trading between both the new and old world some good and some bad things.
  • 1446 BCE

    Important Renaissance Artists

    Important Renaissance Artists
    Date: Various years
    There were many important thinkers like Michelangelo and other artists with a now recognizable ninja turtle character. There were also popular works of art like the Mona Lisa and the painting of the Sistine Chapel. This directly relates to the humanistic view the Renaissance created.
  • 1436 BCE

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    Date: 1436
    Innovation was not common at this time and the movable printing press was a great invention. It made it possible for books like the Bible and other literacy works to be passed around and shared therefore spreading information.
  • 1374 BCE

    Important Renaissance Thinkers

    Important Renaissance Thinkers
    Date: Varying life spans
    There were many important thinkers like Dante and his travels through purgatory and heaven in a poem. Along with Petrarch who was a great writer who used proper Latin which was uncommon. There were many great writers and thinkers during the Renaissance period.
  • 1346 BCE

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Date: 1346-1352
    This was a bubonic plague that killed more people than all of human history. This had great effects because of how much of the population died. It took many years to recover and changed the social structure.
  • 1337 BCE

    The 100 Years' War

    The 100 Years' War
    Date: 1337-1453
    This was a series of many many battles fought between the French and England over the succession of the French throne. There were new military advancements and tactics used during this long war that were later seen throughout time.
  • 1300 BCE

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Date: 1300-1500
    The Renaissance was a time for rebirth. There was a major cultural shift where humanism was viewed as more important. This caused a spike in literacy and education rates which had not been seen before. It also had three major cities Florence, Rome, and Venice that were important to its economy and social structure.
  • 800 BCE

    Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    Date: 800-1806
    The Holy Roman Empire was a political entity that ruled over a large span of land. It was one of the most powerful monarchies in Europe for a long time. It had a huge and powerful military which was one of its reasons for success.
  • 111 BCE


    The Reformation and the age of discovery both modified and continued some of the specific ideas that the Renaissance started. Humanism made another comeback during this time along with religion. People started to believe in a higher power and although this resulted in civil wars it was a new idea and age.
  • 1479

    New Kingdoms

    New Kingdoms
    Date: Various years
    These new kingdoms consisted of England, Spain, France, and the Holy Roman Empire. Each of these countries had different starts and histories but in the end they were all fairly successful.