Topic 10 & 11

  • 1378 BCE

    Great Western Schism

    Great Western Schism
    Date: 1378-1417
    This is the history of the Roman Catholic Church. There were two or three Popes, as a result of this the papacy was removed from both Italy and France. It then split Christianity into two distinct parts: Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.
  • 1348 BCE

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    Date: 1346-1352
    Historians have concluded that it was the deadliest epidemic in medieval times and it started in Mongol khanates. It happened because of the population's vulnerability to disease because of poor harvests and lack of practical medical understanding. It killed somewhere from 75 to 200 million people.
  • 1337 BCE

    The 100 Years War

    The 100 Years War
    Date: 1337-1453
    This was not one large war but instead a bunch of smaller conflicts. It mainly consisted of a series of raids and invasions from the English forces with the occasional larger battle. This war and the plague was devastating to France and it cut their population in half.
  • 1303 BCE

    The Babylonian Captivity

    The Babylonian Captivity
    Date: 1303
    Babylonian captivity referred to when the popes no longer lived in their traditional residence in Rome. This was because since the popes ruled over such a large span of land they controlled little and didn't have much power. This happened when a pope ordered that all kings had to acknowledge his authority over their kingdom.
  • 1300 BCE

    Women and Gender

    Women and Gender
    Date: All of Medieval Times
    Most women were not allowed to learn Latin so it resulted in very few female writers of that time. Legally, they could inherit and own property by themselves and also retain control of their dowry. Women also carried out work like housework and even farmwork.
  • 1236 BCE

    The Mongols

    The Mongols
    Date: Invaded Russia in 1236
    The Mongols were nomads and herders who greatly valued horse riding, archery, and warfare. They were great warriors who trained relentlessly and quickly. They took over different regions quickly and it fell away to the new rulers quickly when new policy was made.
  • 1096 BCE

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    Date: 1096-1291
    The Crusades were a series of invasions in the name of Christianity. The Christians were fighting to spread their religions throughout the Muslims. If people fought in this they were absolved which was a big incentive. There were the Four First Crusades which were deadly and gave a lot of wealth to the Roman Catholic church.
  • 1050 BCE

    Medieval Agricultural Revolution

    Medieval Agricultural Revolution
    Date: 1050-1300
    This consisted of both innovations and less wars which resulted in more crops. When there were constant invasions fields were trampled and they had to be quickly harvested to feed the troops. A new harness was invented for oxen that allowed more fields to be plowed. In combination, these two things were very influential and helped the economy.
  • 1000 BCE

    Emergence of the High Middle Ages in Europe

    Emergence of the High Middle Ages in Europe
    Date: 1000-1300 AD
    There were two revolutionary factors that helped stability and the High Middle Ages emerged. First there were no more invasions, when regions didn't have to fight for their lives and were able to focus on other things. Secondly, agriculture rapidly expanded which was a simple change but very influential.
  • 1000 BCE

    Medieval Learning

    Medieval Learning
    Date: 1000-1400 CE
    During this time literacy rates spiked because of educational institutions. There were monasteries and schools associated with the church that people were able to attend. This helped education rates and before now it was very uncommon for the general population to be educated and literate.
  • 1 BCE


    The popes became more powerful after they gained control of the military. Powerful leaders like Charlemagne were influential as he founded the Roman church and fostered a cultural revival. Overall, there were many powerful leaders like Charlemagne and powerful events like the Crusades.