Top Ten Industrial Revolution Inventions

  • The Atmospheric Steam Engine

    The Atmospheric Steam Engine
    Patented in 1712, Thomas Newcomen's invention of the Atmospheric Steam Engine allowed the possibility of using steam to gain energy.
  • The Spinning Mule

    The Spinning Mule
    Samuel Crompton invents spinning mule, used to spin cotton.
  • Better Steam Engine

    Better Steam Engine
    James Watts designs a more efficient and powerful steam engine in
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    John Fitch invents steam powered boat, traveling over water is faster.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney makes the cotton gin, a machine to pick cotton, making the need for slaves less.
  • Steam Engine Locomotive

    Steam Engine Locomotive
    George Stephenson creates the first steam powered locomotive allowing travel of goods and people exponentially faster.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    Samuel Morse invents telegraph making communications easier.
  • Anesthetic

    Ether is used as an anaesthetic
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone, one of the greatest forms of communication.
  • The Lightbulb

    The Lightbulb
    Thomas Edison creates the lightbulb
  • The Maxim Gun

    The Maxim Gun
    Invented by Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim in 1883, this is the first recoil operated machine gun.