The Constitution
The Constitution allowed many people to view slavery as a right instead of an inhumane act towards humans , some beleived they were property instead of a person , This event led to the Civil War . -
compromise of 1850
Missouris apllication for statehood as a slave state , sparked a bitter national debate . Alson produced a moral issue posed by the growth of slavery , this event led to the civil war . -
Missouri Compromise
As slaves came from the South , the Northerners already trying to emancipate slavery in the North . They came up with a compromise to divide the luisiana territory between free states and slave states. This led to the civil war . -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turners rebellion , although not being the biggest but the bloodiest . Incited a temporary uprising , eventually leading to Nat Turners death . It forced Virginia lawmakers to take away the few civil rights slave had ; the ability to educate and ability to assemble became prohibited . This event led to the civil war . -
Texas Anexation
Although already thought to be fixed , the concept of slavery was brought back because of the indecision of being a slave -free state or slave state . This led to the cilvil war -
California Gold Rush
The South saw profitable opportunity of the territory for thei Peculiar Institution . There for leading to the Free Soilers and the Southerners fighting over California . This event led to the civil war . -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Toms Cabin allowed the Northerners to see the true effect of slavery in the south . Therefore causing revolts against slavery , mending the minds of northerners , this event led to The Civil War . -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas caused a fight between anti-slavery vs pro slavery forces . Since the term popular sovereignity came about which ment that the votes were left to the people , resulted in major conflict and disaggrement between the South and the North , this event led to the civil war . -
Dredd Scott v. Sandford
The case consited of a slave ( Dredd Scott ) tried to sue for his freedoms , but was recongnized as property instead of a human being . The case threatened to recast the political landscape , this event led to the civil war . -
Jhon Brown Raid
Jhon Brown invoked the idea of abolitions revolting , leaving a permanent scar on the history of the slavery . The repercussions of Jhon Browns acts led the people to have a tainted view on slavery , this event led to the civil war