Top Ten Events Of The Middle Ages

By nafisa
  • 476

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

    The Fall of the Roman Empire
    A Germanic barbarian called Odoacer took control of Rome and becoming king of Italy by forcing his predecessor, Romulus Augustulus to give up the throne meaning that he has rule over the whole Roman empire
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    The French defeat the muslims at the battle of tours. This stopped the growth of islam in spain. The French forces lost 15,000 soldiers and the Muslims lost 60,000-400,000 soldiers.
  • 835

    Vikings Invade Northern Europe

    Vikings Invade Northern Europe
    Vikings invaded Europe to aquire goods and land. The vikings weren't Christian so they targeted monasteries in England, raiding them for loot. Throughout their invasion they established new trades between other countries, especially the Middle East and this promoted the flow of currency into Europe.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    William of Normandy Conquers England in the Battle of Hastings

    William of Normandy Conquers England in the Battle of Hastings
    William of Normandy arranged his troops to invade England as he was not given the English throne that he was promised by Edward the Confessor. The new English king, Harold the II was defeated by William in the Battle of Hastings. This is significant because it changed the course of history in England, establishing the English monarchy.
  • Nov 27, 1095

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    The First Crusade was a war between western European Christians to take over Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim control. One of the reasons for the First Crusade was to free Eastern Christians from Muslim rule.This was successful in the year 1099. the significance of this event was that Christians took over these areas and established crusader states, such as the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    King John Signs the Magna Carta.

    King John Signs the Magna Carta.
    The Magna Carta was the first document stating that the king of England and his government weren't above the law. This stopped the Royals from exploiting their power and cruel punishments The Magna Carta is the foundation of law today.
  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was a devestating pandemic that wiped out half the European population. This broke out due to ships entering europe with infected fleas on board. The black death affected europe significantly by wiping out the population causing infrastructure collapse in Europe.
  • 1434

    The Rise of the Medici Family

    The Rise of the Medici Family
    The Medici Family were one the most influential groups of people in European History. They made profit off of commerce, banks and from being wool merchants resulting in extreme wealth and power. The family set a foundation for new culture in Florence, Italy. Due to this, they were known as the "Godfathers" of the renaissance. They were significant to European history as they invented bank systems to track debits, credits, deposits and withdrawals.
  • 1437

    Joan Of Arc

    Joan Of Arc
    French heroine, Joan of Arc is executed for witchcraft at age 19 becasue she believed she was guided by the voices of saints in her mission to save France from Enlgish conquest. Later, her seige of Paris was unsuccessful and she was sold to the English who executed her.
    Her death was significant because she was a role model for women and her legacy lives on even today.
  • May 29, 1453

    The Ottoman Empire Conquers Constantinople

    The Ottoman Empire Conquers Constantinople
    The Ottoman empire captured the City of Constantinople. This signals the end of the Eastern Roman Empire, also called Byzantium. This is significant because it changed the way militaries functioned and marked the end of the middle ages.