Top Ten Astronauts and What They Did

By IvyD.
  • James Lovell

    James Lovell
    James Lovell was the pilot of the Apollo 8 mission command module, which was the first spacecraft to enter lunar orbit. He piloted Apollo 8, but he is most famous for his position in Apollo 13 mission. He was the commander. He joined NASA in 1928
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    In 1961 on April 12, Yuri Gagarin was the first human being to travel into space. He launched into orbit on the Vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft. Yuri is on this list because he was and will always be the very first person in space.
  • Valentina Tereshkova

    Valentina Tereshkova
    Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space in 1963. Valentina was interested in parachute jumping when she was young, which was one of the reasons she was picked for the cosmonaut program (a cosmonaut is a Russian astronaut).
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. He was also an aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor. He landed on the moon with Buzz Aldrin on July 20th, in 1969.
  • Buzz Aldrin

    Buzz Aldrin
    Buzz Aldrin is an American engineer and former astronaut. He was one of the first two humans to land on the Moon. He piloted in the Apollo 11 mission. He was accompanied by Neil Armstrong. They landed on July 20th, 1969, at 20:18.
  • Pete Conrad

    Pete Conrad
    Pete Conrad was an American naval officer and aviator, aeronautical engineer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut. During the Apollo 12 mission he became the third man to walk on the Moon in 1969.
  • Harrison Schmitt

    Harrison Schmitt
    Harrison Schmitt is an American geologist, retired NASA astronaut, university professor and former U.S. senator from New Mexico. In December 1972, as one of the crew members on board of the Apollo 17, Schmitt became the first member of NASA's first scientist-astronaut group to fly in space.
  • William Pogue

    William Pogue
    William Pogue served as a member of the support crews for the Apollo 7, 11 and 14 missions. He was assigned as Command Module Pilot for the prime crew of the Apollo 19 mission.
  • Sally Ride

    Sally Ride
    Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. She flew into space in 1983. She joined NASA in 1978. She was also dubbed the youngest American astronaut to have traveled to space (she was 32 at the time).
  • Mae Carol

    Mae Carol
    Mae Carol Jemison is an American physician and NASA astronaut. She became the first African American woman to travel in space when she went into orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour on September 12, 1992.