Oral Contraceptive Pill
Science, dealing with the Human Body
1. Allowed Women more sexual freedom.
2. Gave them an opportunity to get and education.
3. Changed feminine gender roles. -
Communication Satellite
Technology, dealing with communications.
1. Allowed global networkng to become simpler.
2. Gave greater acces to more information, -
Evidence for Big Bang
Science, dealing with the non-physical world.
1. Permitted a better understanding of our world.
2. Allowed an understanding of universal beginnings. -
Artificial Organs/ Transplants
Science, dealing with the human body and medicine.
1. Increased life span.
2. Saved doomed lives by replacing failed organs.
3. Increased understanding of body's interaction with organs. -
Technology, dealing with communications and mechanics.
1. Allowed shrinkages of commonly used appliances.
2. Made communications easier and more portable. -
MRI Scanning
Technology, dealing with the human body and organs/tissues.
1.Saved lives through tumor detection.
2. Granted better viewing of tissues without dissection,
3. Replaced harmful X-Ray machines and gave better view. -
Stem Cell Research
Science, dealing with the human body.
1. Established better understanding of the body and cells.
2. Saved lives by generation of new organs, -
Decoding the Human Genome
Science, dealing with the human body and biology,
1. Allowed specific targetting of harmful genes.
2. Granted implantation of genes to better someone's health. -
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Technology, dealing with chemistry and energy.
1. Made renewable and non-polluting energy available.
2. Revolutionized scene of electrical creation, -
Dark energy
Science, dealing with the universe and particles.
1. Granted an improved understanding of the universe.
2. Improved stading of theory about the Big Bang