Top 10 Most Important Scientific Advancements in the Last 50 years- Colin Pitman

By cpitman
  • Oral Contraceptive Pill

    Oral Contraceptive Pill
    Science, dealing with the Human Body
    1. Allowed Women more sexual freedom.
    2. Gave them an opportunity to get and education.
    3. Changed feminine gender roles.
  • Communication Satellite

    Communication Satellite
    Technology, dealing with communications.
    1. Allowed global networkng to become simpler.
    2. Gave greater acces to more information,
  • Evidence for Big Bang

    Evidence for Big Bang
    Science, dealing with the non-physical world.
    1. Permitted a better understanding of our world.
    2. Allowed an understanding of universal beginnings.
  • Artificial Organs/ Transplants

    Artificial Organs/ Transplants
    Science, dealing with the human body and medicine.
    1. Increased life span.
    2. Saved doomed lives by replacing failed organs.
    3. Increased understanding of body's interaction with organs.
  • Microprocessor

    Technology, dealing with communications and mechanics.
    1. Allowed shrinkages of commonly used appliances.
    2. Made communications easier and more portable.
  • MRI Scanning

    MRI Scanning
    Technology, dealing with the human body and organs/tissues.
    1.Saved lives through tumor detection.
    2. Granted better viewing of tissues without dissection,
    3. Replaced harmful X-Ray machines and gave better view.
  • Stem Cell Research

    Stem Cell Research
    Science, dealing with the human body.
    1. Established better understanding of the body and cells.
    2. Saved lives by generation of new organs,
  • Decoding the Human Genome

    Decoding the Human Genome
    Science, dealing with the human body and biology,
    1. Allowed specific targetting of harmful genes.
    2. Granted implantation of genes to better someone's health.
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells

    Hydrogen Fuel Cells
    Technology, dealing with chemistry and energy.
    1. Made renewable and non-polluting energy available.
    2. Revolutionized scene of electrical creation,
  • Dark energy

    Dark energy
    Science, dealing with the universe and particles.
    1. Granted an improved understanding of the universe.
    2. Improved stading of theory about the Big Bang