Top 10 most important events in Eqypt

By Mvochen
  • 196

    Rosetta Stone was carved

    Rosetta Stone was carved
    In 196 B.C. the Rosetta Stone is carved. We use the Rosetta Stone to translate hieroglyphics. The Rosetta stone had ancient Greek, dometic, and hieroglyphics written on it.
  • 332

    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt
    Alexander the Great conquers Eqypt in 332 B.C. He became ruler after he conquered Egypt. He founded the city of Alexandria on the Meditterean Coast. He begins a dynasty the rules for 300 years.
  • Jan 1, 669

    Assyrians from Mesopotamia conquer and rule Egypt

    Assyrians from Mesopotamia conquer and rule Egypt
    In 669 B.C. Assyrians from Mesopotamia conquer and rule Egypt. They controlled the country until 525 B.C. The Assyrians came from Mesopotamia.
  • Jan 1, 1323

    King Tut becomes Pharaoh

    King Tut becomes Pharaoh
    In 1323 B.C. King tut becomes Pharaoh. He was only 9 years old when he became Pharaoh. He died at age 19. Howard Carter found his tomb in 1922 filled with priceless jewlerey. The discovery was important because it was the first tomb they found where robbers haven't stolen anything in it.
  • Jan 1, 1473

    Hatshepsut becomes pharaoh

    Hatshepsut becomes pharaoh
    In 1473, Hatshepsut becomes pharaoh. Her step son Thutmose III was supposed to be pharaoh but he was too young. Many monuments were built at this time but people destroyed them because it reminded them of the time she ruled. When she died Thutmose III became pharaoh.
  • Cleopatra commits suicide

    Cleopatra commits suicide
    In 30 B.C. Cleopatra commits suicide. She became the last in a dynasty of Macedonian rulers. Her death caused Marc Antony to die when Marc Antony heared rumors about her death he fell down on his sword.
  • Great Pyramids of Egypt were built

    Great Pyramids of Egypt were built
    In 2575 B.C. the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built at Dahshur and Giza. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. The pyramids were built for Khufu, Khufu's father, and grandfather. It had a Sphinx protecting it.
  • King Narmer begins a civilization. Last for thousands of years.

    King Narmer begins a civilization. Last for thousands of years.
    In 3100 B.C. Egyptian civilization began when King Narmer founded the Egyptian dynasty. He is the first pharaoh of the first dynasty. He conquered Upper and Lower Egypt to make one county.
  • Hieroglyphics get developed

    Hieroglyphics get developed
    In 3100 B.C. hieroglyphics gets developed. No one could read hieroglyphics until 1799, when Napoleon Bonaparte found the Rosetta Stone. Egyptians used hieroglyphics for 3500 years to record important imformation.
  • Settlements of Nile River begins

    Settlements of Nile River begins
    In 7000 B.C. settlements of the Nile River begin. A lot of Egyptian civilizations started near the Nile River. The Nile River brought water, food, and silt for he farmers. People built permanent homes on the Nile River.