Civil war soldiers

Top 10 Events which led to the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The lay that Congressed passed by which Missouri was admitted as a slave state, Maine as a free state & setting the parallel 36 30 as the dividing line between free and salve states. This compromise effictively settle the question of slavery but it's repealled had a greater impact by opening up new states to slavery eventually bringing the nation into the civil war.
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    Top 10 Events that led to the Civil War

    The top 10 major events that led to the civil war.
  • Texas becomes a state

    Texas becomes a state
    Texas became a slave state in which gave more power to the southern states & became the 28th state. This led to the Civil war by making the Northerners feeling cheated & began to feel that slavery was an active of evil that needed to be destroyed.
  • The Mexican War Ended

    The Mexican War Ended
    After the Mexican War ended the US gained a great amount of land. Making this event let to the Civil War by re-opening the debate of wheter this states would be admitted as free or slave states.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    A law passed that obligated states to return escape slave backs to their masters & people who helped runaways slaves were presecuted. This event let to the Civil war by
    drawing more attention to the inhumanity of slavery, increasing the tension between pro-slavery and anti-slavery states, and the display of cruelty convinced more people of the evils of slavery.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    An anti-slavery novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe giving the people knowledge of real cruelty of slavery inspiring more efforts of abolitionists. This novel contribute to the cicil war by political and economical arguments about slavery of banishing slavelry. Even A.Licnoln recognized that this book was one of the events that led to the civil war.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    1854-1856 the period of violence bleeding during the settling of Kansas of wheter the territory should be free or slave. This event was a major contributuon on Civil war because it's considered to be the first shots of the civil war, the first time where pro-slavery and anti-salvery supporters took extreme actions to express how they feel towards one another. Of how they feel about slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The act that repelled the Compromise of 1820 by Popular Sovereignty propsed by St.Douglas. This act led to the Civil War by outraging many Norhterners arousing them to create a conflict between the pro and anti-slavery settlers leading this to the "Bleeding Kansas" event.
  • Dread Scott Decision

    Dread Scott Decision
    Dred Scoot lost his case when the Court ruled that his petition could not be seen because he did not hold any property. and because he was considered "Property" of his owner. This decision caused abolitionists to incresase their efforts to fight against slavery which it later on, cause us to go into a Civil War.
  • John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry
    Jonh Brown lead a round of men on a raid at Harper's Ferry, VA in hope to cause a slave uprising. However, they got caught by Colonel Rolbert E.Lee, all were hanged for treason. J.B statesments reached the nation, inspiring many with his rightleous indignation toward slavery & ultimately caused us to go into a Civil War.
  • The election of Abraham Lincoln

    The election of Abraham Lincoln
    With the election of Republican candidate A.Lincoln, S.Carolina followed by six other states seceded from the Union. Even though his views about slavery were considered moderate during the nomination and election, S.Carolina had warned it would secede if he won. This lead to the Civil War by making the Souterners angry that Lincold did not extended slavery to any new territories.