The Fall of Western Rome
Western Rome was taken down by Odoacer. Julius Nepo was the last Roman emperor and his soldiers killed him. This was the beginning of the Middle Ages. -
The Battle of Tours
The Battle of Tours was a war between Charles the Hammer and the Islamic invaders. Charles the Hammer won the war and ended the invasion of the Islam invaders. Charles the Hammer was a French military leader. -
Charlemagne was a French king who took over Rome. He was an Emporer of Rome. He helped with the Church and the art. -
The Great Schism
This is when the western church and eastern church split. The western church was catholic and the eastern church was orthodox. It had split because the western church had become corrupt. -
Aug 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
The Battle of Hastings was a war between William the Conquerer and Anglo-Saxon king Harold II. He gave anyone who fought in the war a big piece of land as a reward. William the Conquerer won the war and made the feudal system and the manor system. -
The Crusades
The Crusades was a war when most of Europe came together in war. They came together because the holy place was getting attacked by Islam. This lasted from 1095-1291 -
The Declaration of Magna Carta
Magna Carta was a big step for England. It was a document that issued 63 statements. It helped people around England and gave less power to the King and government. -
The Great Famine
The Great Famine was mainly in northern Europe and many people died from hunger. The crime rate was much higher. because of the famine. This was a big setback. It lasted two years from 1315-1317 -
The hundreds year war
The Hundreds year war was a war between England and France. It lasted a little more than 100 years from 1337-1453. There were little times in between when they wouldn't fight. -
The Black Death
The black death was a major sickness in history. It was on rats and there was not a cure for it. It killed a 1/3 of Europe. It lasted from 1348-1350.