
Top 10 European Medieval Events - 1000 AD - 1500 AD

  • 1054

    The Great Schism- the Division of the Chruch

    The Great Schism- the Division of the Chruch
    • A division in the Roman Catholic Church
    • Eastern Orthodox Church resented the "Governmental" Church and separated
    • This was the first creation of a divide in the church and began questioning the authority of the church
  • 1085

    The Domesday Book is Completed

    The Domesday Book is Completed
    • This is Englands oldest book of public records.
    • Created to help the Kingdom create taxes for the citizens
    • Determines the wealth and land ownings of families
    • Earliest form of the census and creation of organized taxing of people
  • 1118

    Knights Templar Created

    Knights Templar Created
    *Founded to protect Jerusalem and European pilgrims
    * Famous for their bravery and moral lifestyle
    * They became heroes of this time and were revered by many
  • 1206

    Ghengis Khan becomes Ruler of the Mongols

    Ghengis Khan becomes Ruler of the Mongols
    • Ghengis was focused on world domination
    • Went to war with parts of Europe
    • Was always a concern for Europe until he died in 1227
  • 1215

    The Magna Carta Created

    The Magna Carta Created
    • The first legal document giving regular citizens' rights in England
    • Laid the groundwork for limiting the power of the ruling King
    • Similar documents were used to set legal rights around the world
  • 1297

    The Battle of Sterling Bridge- William Wallace Becomes Leader

    The Battle of Sterling Bridge- William Wallace Becomes Leader
    • The Scottish people were servants to England and were not free
    • A common man named William Wallace encouraged and led the Scott's in resisting and revolting
    • Led to a famous movie called Braveheart
  • 1347

    The Black Death kills many

    The Black Death kills many
    • The Plague or Black Death killed an estimated 20-40% of the population within the 1st year
    • Other Plagues followed killing as many as 50% of the European population
    • Called the "Worst Event" in European history
  • 1377

    Creation of a Medical Quarantine

    • Created in the city of Ragusa to combat the Plague
    • Required arriving sailors to stay in their ships for 30-40 days to prevent the spread of the plague
    • Relevant even in today's time period with the Covid quarantines
  • 1440

    The Printing Press is Invented

    The Printing Press is Invented
    • One of the most impactful inventions in history
    • Led to the explosion in book creation
    • Easily printed material allowed common people to gain knowledge and spread information much easier
  • 1492

    Columbus Sails to the Americas

    Columbus Sails to the Americas
    • Main reason Europe discovered America
    • Started England's taking over of America
    • Led to many Native Americans being murdered and losing their land