
  • 5000 BCE

    Mesopotamian Tools

    Mesopotamian Tools
    They used axes made of stone and knives made out of copper.
  • 4000 BCE

    Indus Valley Tools

    Indus Valley Tools
    They used Stone tools-Saws, arrowheads, blade.
    Copper tools.Bronze-Mixed copper and tint to get the bronze.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egyptian Tools

    Egyptian Tools
    They used flint to make knives and axe heads.Wooden tools to make looms grain scoops hose and ranks. Copper tools for fishing ornaments, arrowheads, chisel, vessels and grave ornaments
  • 1800 BCE

    Mayan Tools

    Mayan Tools
    They used chisel to make building and artwork.Stone scrapers, stone hammers and hardwood hammers.They also used stone axe heads and stuck it to a hard pole to cut trees, volcanic glass to make sharp object, flint, obsidian to make bladed weapons.
  • 1100 BCE

    Greek tools

    Greek tools
    They used locks made out of copper and analog computers.
  • 753 BCE

    Roman Tools

    Roman Tools
    They made sewing needles out of bronze and kept developing it over the years.There are medical tools like twisers, huge bronze surgical impelements
  • 1428

    Aztec tools

    Aztec tools
    They used all the different tools in other civilisations and invented calendars
  • 1438

    Incas civilisation

    Incas civilisation
    Copper and bronze to make farming tool.[ they didn't really use alot of tools
  • 1800's tools

    Farmers- Yet used wooden tools- Square harrows
    Mining tools- miners didn't have hat's to protect there heads so they made hats made of metal. Lunch buckets- so when miners went mining they could eat a snack
    Pioneers- They used metal axes, saws- wood and metal exc.
  • 1900's tools

    Farmers- Tractors powered my gasoline
    metal tools and wood handles