Tolerance of Ambiguity

  • Burdner (1962)

    An ambiguous situation or stimulus may be defined as
    “onewhich cannot be adequately structured or categorised
    by the individual because of the lack of sufficient cues”
    (p. 30) and is characterised by one of the following three
    attributions: novelty; complexity; and insolubility.
  • Period: to

    Tolerance of Ambiguity

  • Norton (1975)

    Measurement of Ambiguity Tolerance
  • Naiman, et al. (1978)

  • Reiss (1985)

  • Chapelle and Robert (1986)

  • Ely (1989)

  • Oxford and Ehrman (1992)

  • McLain, 1993

  • Furnham and Ribchester (1995)

  • Ely (1995)

  • Matsuura (2007)

  • Doughty et al. (2010)

  • Seravalle (2011)