
PLTW-History of toilets

  • 206

    CHinese toilet

    CHinese toilet
    A toilet was discovered in the tomb of a Chinese king of the Western Han Dynasty that dates back to 206 BC to 24 AD.
  • 1596 John Harrington build the first flushing toilet

    1596 John Harrington build the first flushing toilet
    John called the first model of the toilet the Ajax. He wrote a book on his invention called the A New Discourse upon a Stale Subject: The Metamorphosis of Ajax.
  • 1596 Queen Elizabeth

    1596 Queen Elizabeth
    In 1596, a flush toilet was invented and built for Queen Elizabeth I by her Godson, Sir John Harrington.
  • Alexander Cumming

    Alexander Cumming
    In 1775 English inventor Alexander Cumming was granted the first patent for a flush toilet. His greatest innovation was the S-shaped pipe below the bowl that used water to create a seal preventing sewer gas from entering through the toilet.