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Todos eventos de la XIX. centuria

By gkovacs
  • Period: to

    First conflicts of the new working conditions, loss of jobs

  • Period: to

    Luddite Revolts being formed in England

  • Period: to

    The new factory system has come to stay

  • Trade Unions

    Trade Unions
  • Great Trade Union

    Great Trade Union
    It was formed under the direction of Robert Owen
  • Publishing Communist Party Manifesto

    Publishing Communist Party Manifesto
    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles
  • General Association of German Trade Unions

  • Workers Association (AIT)

    Workers Association (AIT)
  • Period: to

    First congresses of AIT

    -1866- Geneva
  • Paris Commune

    Paris Commune
  • Hague Congress

    Hague Congress
  • German Social Democratic Party (SPD)

  • AIT moving to the US and was dissolved

  • Socialist Party Spanish Workers' (PSOE)

    Founded by Pablo Iglesias
  • General Union of Workers (UGT)

  • Period: to

    Assassination of Presidents

    -1864- President of the French Republic
    -1897- President of the Spanish Government
    -1898- Empress of Austria
    -1901- President of The United States
  • Second International

    Second International
    Founded in Paris and incorporated only socialist parties