Images (7)

toddlerhood tyana and skyler

  • birth

  • 12-15 months physical

    12-15 months physical
    -crawls fowards and backwards with varying speeds
    -may stand alone without support for a short time
    -has improved grasping skills
    -enjoys filling and emptying containers with small objects
  • 12-15 months cognitive

    12-15 months cognitive
    -explores diifferent features of objects as if studying them
    -experiments with actions never tried before
    -may use sounds to imitate words others say
    -responds to own name, comes when called
  • 16-18 months physical

    16-18 months physical'
    -likes to grab anything and everything
    -may show hand prefference
    -walks into ball; is unable to kick the ball
  • 16-18 cognoitive

    16-18 cognoitive
    -has a short attantion span
    -vocabulary increases to six to ten words
    -enjoys working with shapes on foam board
    -tries to imitate the way parents use objects
  • 19-21 months physical

    19-21 months physical
    -can fold a peice of paper once imitating demonstration
    -walks sideways and backwards
    -hold two objects in hand easily
  • 19-21 cognitive

    19-21 cognitive
    -looks at books for longer periods of time studying pictures
    -imitates simple actions on request
    -likes to make marks on paper with big crayon
  • 22-24 months physical

    22-24 months physical
    -jumps with both feet off the floor
    -likes to play with modeling clay
    -snips paper with sissors
    -holds crayon with thumb and fingers
  • 22-24 months cognitive

    22-24 months cognitive'
    -becomes interested in the precise placement of objects, enjoys simple puzzles
    -continues to ask "what is that?"
    -recognizes when picture in book is upsiedown
  • 24-30 months physical

    24-30 months physical
    -opens dors by turming nobs
    -plays on swings, laddders, and other playground equipment
    -open doors by turning knobs
    -can soap hands and arms easily
  • 24-30 months cognitive

    24-30 months cognitive
    -becomes increasly interested in children tv shows
    -likes to imitate drawings of older children
    - use two word sentences
    -uses words to make requests
  • 30-36 months physical

    30-36 months physical
    -climbs quickly on jungle to reach the top
    -throws balls overhead but aim is still poor
    -turns doorknob with greater strength
    -climbs up slide ladder then slides down
  • 30-36 months cognitive

    30-36 months cognitive
    -creates two to three word sentences
    -recognizes self in photographs
    -can remember and follow three-step commands
    -identifies farmiliar objects by touch