Toddler Timeline

  • Baby's Date of Birth

    Baby's Date of Birth
    January 15th, 2000
  • 13-15 Months Physical Development

    13-15 Months Physical Development
    -May climb out of crib, high chair, or stroller.
    -Can sit in small chair for a short time.
    -Crawls over small barriers.
    -May be able to walk a few steps alone.
  • 13-15 Months Intellectual Development

    13-15 Months Intellectual Development
    -Is able to fit round block into round hole in form board.
    -Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures.
    -Shows interest in new textures by rubbing them.
    -Responds to own name, comes when called.
  • 16-18 Months Physical Development

    16-18 Months Physical Development
    -Stands on either foot with support.
    -Walks fast and runs stiffly.
    -Walks into ball; unable to kick ball.
    -Likes to grab anything and everything.
  • 16-18 Months Intellectual Development

    16-18 Months Intellectual Development
    -Remembers where objects belong.
    -Tries to imitate the ways parents use objects.
    -Identifies simple pictures in book, such as "ball".
    -Says "no" more often than any other word.
  • 19-21 Months Physical Development

    19-21 Months Physical Development
    -Holds two objects in hand easily.
    -Builds tower of five or six blocks.
    -Loves to run, jump, and climb.
    -Can kick large ball without stepping on it.
  • 19-21 Months Intellectual Development

    19-21 Months Intellectual Development
    -Learns to distinguish different sounds and smells.
    -Likes to make marks on paper with big crayons.
    -Is interested in tiny things such as bugs.
    -Responds to speech with speech.
  • 22-24 Months Physical Development

    22-24 Months Physical Development
    -Walks with more coordination and assurance.
    -Likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts.
    -Likes to play with modeling clay.
    -Holds crayons with thumb and fingers.
  • 22-24 Months Intellectual Development

    22-24 Months Intellectual Development
    -Follows simple directions.
    -Identifies familiar objects on TV screen.
    -Continues to ask "What's that?"
    -Distinguishes between vertical and horizontal lines.
  • 24-30 Months Physical Development

    24-30 Months Physical Development
    -Baby fat begins to disappear as torso lengthens.
    -Can kick a ball forward.
    -Opens doors by turning knobs.
    -Can remove wrapping from gum and candy.
    VIDEO: Link text
  • 24-30 Months Intellectual Development

    24-30 Months Intellectual Development
    -Can follow 2-step commands.
    -Solves problems by imitating past actions.
    -Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior.
    -Likes to listen to recordings of stories and songs.
  • 30-36 Months Physical Development

    30-36 Months Physical Development
    -Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking.
    -Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time.
    -Eats with a fork.
    -Makes mud pies and sand castles.
  • 30-36 Months Intellectual Development

    30-36 Months Intellectual Development
    -Tries out various roles in make-believe plays.
    -Can stack rings in the correct order.
    -Recognizes self in photos.
    -Understands relative size (big and small).