Level1 babies and toddlers child crying

Toddler Timeline by: Ashley and Gabriel

  • Birth

    Baby is born
  • 13 to 15 months Physical

    13 to 15 months Physical
    -May stand alone without support for a short amount of time
    -Crawls over small barriers
    -Has improved grasping skills
    -May try to turn doorknobs
  • 13 to 15 months Intellectual

    13 to 15 months Intellectual
    -Begins to form concepts
    -Explores different features of objects and studies them
    -Slowly increases vocabulary to four to six words
    -Responds to own name
  • 16 to 18 Months Physical

    16 to 18 Months Physical
    -May be able to walk sideways
    -Walks fast and runs stiffly
    -Likes to grab anything and everything
    -Begins to scribble
  • 16 to 18 Months Intellectual

    16 to 18 Months Intellectual
    -Gradually refines concepts
    -Has short attention span
    -Vocabulary increases to six to ten words
    -Imitates simple sounds on request
  • 19 to 21 Months Physical

    19 to 21 Months Physical
    -Walks sideways and backwards
    -Runs without falling often
    -Holds two objects in hand easily
    -Builds tower of five or six blocks
  • 19 to 21 Months Cognitive

    19 to 21 Months Cognitive
    -Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    -Has a vocabulary of about 20 words
    -Is interested in tiny things such as bugs
    -Enjoys labeling objects and parts of the body
  • 20 Month Old Running

  • 22 to 24 Months Physical

    22 to 24 Months Physical
    -Walks with more coordination and assurance
    -Walks sideways and backward with ease
    -Likes to play with modeling clay
    -Jumps with both feet off the floor
    -Alternates between standing and sitting positions easily
  • 22 to 24 Months Intellectual

    22 to 24 Months Intellectual
    -Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves
    -Is curious about objects of the environment
    -Has a vocabulary of 50 or more words
    -Substitutes some words for some physical acts
  • 24 to 30 Months Physical

    24 to 30 Months Physical
    -Opens doors by turning knobs
    -Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    -Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
    -Can soap hands and arms easily
  • 24 to 30 Months Intellectual

    24 to 30 Months Intellectual
    -Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
    -Is better able to use nearby objects in make-believe games
    -Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period
    -Uses two-word sentences
    -Likes to imitate drawings of older children
  • 30 to 36 Months Intellectual

    30 to 36 Months Intellectual
    ~Begins to classify into general categories
    ~Recognizes self in photographs
    ~Can remember and follow three-step commands
    ~Tries new activities
  • 30 to 36 Months Physical Development

    30 to 36 Months Physical Development
    ~Likes to be in constant motion
    ~Enjoys games involving running
    ~Throws ball overhead but aim is poor
    ~Walks on tiptoe