Baby is Born
13 - 15 months - Physical
- May stand erect only slight support.
- May stand alone without support for a short time.
- Has improved grasping skills.
- May try to turn doorknobs.
- Can open small, hinged box.
13 - 15 Months - Intellectual
- Explores different features of objects as if studying them.
- Is able to fit round block into round hole in form board.
- May use sounds to indicate specific objects.
- May attempt to imitate words others say.
- Recognizes names of major body parts.
16 - 18 Months - Physical
- May be able to walk sideways
- Stands on either foot with support
- Walks fast and runs stiffly
- Builds tower of three cubes.
- May turn knobs of radio and TV
16 - 18 Months - Intellectual
- Graduually refines concepts.
- Is very inquisitive about everything.
- Remembers where objects belong.
- Vocabulary increases to six to ten words.
- Says "no" more often than any other word.
19 - 21 Months - Physical
- Walk sideways and backwards.
- Jumps forward and in place.
- Squats easily and play.
- Holds two objects in hand easily.
- Uses one hand more than the other.
19 - 21 Months - Intellectual
- Imitates simple actions on request.
- Is interested in tiny things such as bugs.
- Likes to mark on paper with big crayon.
- Enjoys hearing nursery rhymes.
- Responds to speech with speech.
22 - 24 Months - Physical
- Walks with more coordination and assurance.
- Lacks ability to start efficently or stop quickly while running.
- Jumps with both feet off the floor.
- Likes to play with modeling clay.
- Snips paper with scissors.
22 - 24 Months - Intellectual
- Identifies fimiliar objects on TV screen.
- Distingushes between horizontal and vertical lines.
- Is interested in sound repetition.
- Listens and enjoys simple and short stories.
- Imitates parents' words and inflection.
24 - 30 Months - Physical
- Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease.
- Kicks ball forward.
- Throws ball overhead but without aiming.
- Opens doors by turning knobs.
- Tears paper and manipulates clay.
24 - 30 Months - Intellectual
- Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows.
- Is better able to plan a play activity and carry it out.
- Uses two-word sentences.
- Refers to self by name; then learns to use pronouns.
- Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted.
30 - 36 Months - Physical
- Emjoys games involving running.
- Climbs upo slide ladder and slides down.
- Walks on tiptoe.
- Makes mud pies and sand castles.
- Eats with a fork.
30 - 36 Months - Intellectual
- Recognizes self in photographs.
- Identifies fimiliar objects by touch.
- Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together.
- Creates two- to- three word sentences including verbs.
- Uses personal pronouns correctly.