Toddler Timeline!

  • birth

    baby is born
  • Period: to

    Physical and cognitive development

    Birth to 36 months
  • 13-15 Months Physical Developent

    13-15 Months Physical Developent
    Toddlers may stand alone without support and stand straight with only slight support. May use spoon spilling a little.
  • 13-15 months Cognitive Development

    13-15 months Cognitive Development
    Begins to form concepts. The toddler notices actions of other children and adults, and mimics them. Babbles with expression.
  • 16-18 Months Physical Development

    16-18 Months Physical Development
    Toddler stands on either foot with support and can walk or run swiftly. Likes to grab anything and everything. They begin to scribble.
  • 16-18 Cognitive Development

    16-18 Cognitive Development
    Remembers where objects belong, has a short attention span.Uses words instead of gestures to express some wants such as up or cookie.
  • 19-21 Physical Development

    19-21 Physical Development
    Toddler can walk up and down stairs with help. loves to run, jump, and climb. Holds two objects in hand easily.
  • 19-21 Cognitive Development

    19-21 Cognitive Development
    Can remember familiar objects without seeing them.Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures. Toddler has vocabulary of about 20 words. Enjoys hearing nursery smells.
  • 22-24 months Physical Development

    22-24 months Physical Development
    Can seat self in small chair with ease.Likes to play with modeling clay.
  • Cognitive Development 22-24

    Cognitive Development 22-24
    Is curious about objects in environment, feels, squeezes, pulls and pushes objects. Has vocabulary of 50 or more words.
  • 24-30 months Physical Development

    24-30 months Physical Development
    Climbs everywhere indoors. Opens doors by turning knobs.
  • Cognitive Development in 24-30 months

    Cognitive Development in 24-30 months
    Becomes increasingly interested in t.v shows.Uses two word sentences
  • 30-36 months Physical Development

    30-36 months Physical Development
    Likes to be in constant motion, running, or walking sideways or backwards. Eats with a fork.
  • 30-36 months Cognitive Development

    30-36 months Cognitive Development
    Begins to classify objects into general categories. Ask names of objects and repeats them.