Baby is born
13-15 Months Physical Development
- May stand alone without support for a short time
- May be able to walk a few steps alone
- May climb stairs on hands and knees
13-15 Months Cognitive Development
- Experiments with actions never tried before
- Has very short memory and almost no forethought
- May attempt to imitate words others say
16-18 Months Physical Development
- May be able walk sidewalk
- Likes to grab anything and everything
- Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
16-18 Months Cognitive Development
- Remember where objects belong
- Enjoys working with shapes on form board
- Begins to figure things out through thought process
19-21 Months Physical Development
- Runs without falling often
- Uses one hand more than another
- Responds rhythmically to music with whole body
19-21 Months Cognitive Development
- Learns to distinguish different sounds and smells
- Matches sounds to the animals that make them
- Completes simple jigsaw puzzle of two to three pieces
22-24 Months Physical Development
- Holds crayon with thumb and fingers
- Walks with more coordination and assurance
- Lacks the ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running
22-24 Months Cognitive Development
- Follows simple directions
- Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just activities themselves
- Is curious about objects in environment; feels, squeezes, pulls and pushes objects
24-30 Months Physical Development
- Plays on swings, ladders and other playground equipment
- Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
- Enjoys running but unable to measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles
24-30 Months Cognitive Development
- Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior
- Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
- Remembers sequence of stories and may be able to retell them
Baby Dancing
30-36 Months Physical Development
-Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backward.
-Walks on tiptoe
-Scribbles and draws circles as well as horizontal and vertical lines. -
30-36 Months Cognitive Development
-Can remember and follow three-step commands.
-Uses symbolic representation in make believe play.
-Asks names of objects and repeats them.