Baby is born
13-15 Months Physical Dev.
~walks alone
~stops and stands up again -
16-18 Months physical dev.
~chews most foods well
~opens closed doors
~holds cup and drinks without spilling (sometimes)
~imitates housework -
19-21 Months physical dev.
~runs stiffly
~pushes and pulls large objects
~helps dress and undress self
~pulls person to show -
22-24 Months physical dev
~wiggle thumb
~turns knobs
~seats self in small chair
~used spoons with little spilling
~replaces some objects where they belong -
24-30 Months physical dev.
~walks backward
~runs head long
~zips and unzips
~pulls on socks
~helps put things away -
30-36 Months physical dev
~turns book pages singly
~holds pencils with thumb and forefingers -
13-15 months cognitive
~jabbers expressively
~communicates by gesture
~cries for attention -
16-18 cognitive
~vocalizes "no"
~has vocabulary of 10-15 words
~paints to indicate wants -
19-21 months cognitive
~points to pictures in books
~points to one body part on requests
~has vocabulary of 20 words mostly nouns -
22-24 months cognitive
~understands "yours" versus "mine"
~enjoys simple stories
~speaks in 2 word sentences
~often calls self by first name -
24-30 months cognitive
~understands and asks for "another"
~points to 4 body parts -
30-36 months cognitive
~verbalizes toilet needs
~increases use of verbs
~has vocabulary of 900-1,000 words -
toddler video