13-15 Physical Development
-May stand alone without support for a short time.
-Crawls forewards and backwards with varying speeds
-Has improved grasp skills
-Build small towers of blocks
-Uses spoon, spilling little -
13-15 Months Cognitive Development
-Begins to form concepts
-Has very short memory and almost no forethought.
-Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surfaces.
-Expierments with actions never tried before. -
16-18 Months Physical Development
-May be able to walk sideways
-Walks fast and runs stiffly
-Squats down smoothly from standing position
-Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor -
16-18 Months Cognitive Development
-Gradually refines concepts
-Remebers where objects belong\
-Has short attention span
-Scribbles more freely
-Identifies simple pictures -
19-21 Months Physical Development
-Walks sideways and backwards
-Loves to run, jump, and climb
-Can kick large balls
-Hangs from bars, grasping with hands -
19-21 Months Cognitive Development
-Can remeber familar objects from different room when asked
-Interested in tiny objects.
-Learns to distingish different sounds and smells
-Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures -
22-24 Months Physical Development
-Walks with more coordination and assurance.
-Can throw ball into basket
-Jumps with both feet onto floor.
-Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements -
22-24 Months Cognative Development
-Is curious about objects in enviroment
-Identifies familar objects on TV screen
-Distinguishes between vertical and horizontal lines
-recognizes when pictures in books are upside down -
24-30 Months Physical Development
-Turn door knobs
-Can soap hands and arms easily
-Tears papers and can manipulate clay
-Climbs on jungle gym with ease
-Kicks ball forward -
24-30 Months Cognative Development
-increased interest in childrens TV shows
-Can follow two step-commands
-Knows between before and after
-Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted
-Uses two word sentences -
30-36 Months Physical Development
-Climps on jungle gym to reach the top
-Walks on tiptoes
-Throw ball overhead but aim is still poor
-Catches large ball with arms and harns out straight
-Enjoys games involving running. -
30-36 Months Cognative Development
-Recognizes self in photographs
-Can remeber and follow three-step commands
-Starts to use past tense and plural
-Understands relative size
-Can stack rings in the correct order -