Baby is born
13-15 months/physical and cognitive development
May be able to stand alone without support for a short time.
Takes steps while holding onto parent's hands.
Explores different features of objects as if studing them.
Looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight. -
16-18 months/physical and cognitive development
May be able to walk sideways.
Jumps with both feet improves throwing motion, first using whole body, then using just arm movements.
Is very inquisitive about anything.
Remembers where objects belong. -
19-18 months/physical and cognitive development
Runs without falling often.
Responds rhythmically to music with whole body.
May show increasing need for security object.
May become possesive of toys, hiding them from others. -
22-24 months/physical and cognitive development
Walks with more coordination and assurance.
Likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts.
Identifies familiar objects on TV screen.
Recogonizes when picture in book is upside down. -
24-30 months/physical and cognitive
Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease.
Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment.
Is better able to use nearby objects in make-belive games.
Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted. -
30-36 months/physical and cognitive development
Enjoys games involving running.
Climbs quickly on jungle gym to reach the top.
Can stack rings in the correct order.
Recognizes self in photograghs.