Physical Development 13-15 months
- May stand errect with only slight support.
- Has improved grasping skills.
- May stand alone without support mfor a short time .
- Needs improvement in manipulation skills.
Cognitive Development 13-15 months
- Begins to form concepts .
- Experiments with actions never tried before.
- Slowly increases vocabulary to 4-6 words.
- May use soiunds to indicate specific objects.
Phsyical Development 16-18 Months
- May be able to walk sideways.
- Squats down smoothly from standing position.
- Likes to grab anything and everything.
- Begins to scribble. -
Cognitive Development 16-18
- Gradually refines concepts.
- Remebers where objects belong.
- Vocabulary increases from 6 -10 words -Obeys command.'Give it to me '.
Physical Development 19-21 months
-Walks sideways and backwards
-runs without falling often
-Holds 2 objects inhand easily
-uses one hand more than the other -
Cognitive Development 19-21
-Can remeber familiar objects without seeing them
-Can obtain familiar objects from different rooms when asked
-has vocabulary of about 20 words
-enjoys hearing nursery rhymes -
Phsyical Development 22-24
-Walks with more coordination and assurance
-Alternates betweeen standing and sitting positions easily
-Shows increased coordintaion and smoother hands and finger movements
-likes to play with model and clay -
Cognitive Development 22- 24
-Becomes intersted in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves
-Identifies familiar objects on tv screens
-Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
-Is able to ask for things using simple words -
Physical Development 24-30
- Kicks ball forward.
- Throws ball over head but without aiming.
- Opens doors by turning knobs.
- Can remve wrapping from gum and candy.
Cognative Development 24-30
- Likes to imitate drawings of older children.
- Distinguishes between before and after.
- Uses two word sentences.
- Uses words to make requests.
Cognitive Development 30-36 months
-Begins to classify objects in general categories
-Tries out various roles in make-believe play
-Starts to use past tense and plurals
-Ask names of objects and repeats them -
Physical Development 30-36 months
-Enjoys games involving running
-Walks on tiptoe
-Builds towers of 6 or more blocks
-Eats with a fork