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Toddler Timeline

  • Birth

  • 12-15 Months Physical Development

    12-15 Months Physical Development
    Babies 12-15 months are just learning how to walk. They may walk a few steps alone and pick up small objects using their thumb and forefinger. They are able to hold and drink from cups and can say one or two words.
  • 12-15 Months Cognitive Development

    12-15 Months Cognitive Development
    During these months, babies find hidden objects, explores and experiments, understand that objects exist independently and understand simple word phrases like "come to mommy".
  • 16-18 Months Physical Development

    16-18 Months Physical Development
    During these months, they can turn several pages of a book at a time, pick up small objects with thumb and forefinger, slide down stairs backwards one step at a time and sit down without help.
  • 16-18 Months Cognitive Development

    16-18 Months Cognitive Development
    During these months, they can find things in pictures when asked, realize that things still exist even when he or she cannot see them, can follow simple directions and expect things to happen in routine.
  • 19-21 Months Cognitive Development

    19-21 Months Cognitive Development
    During these months, toddlers rocognize and can name familiar people in photos, show increased memory for details and routines, understand the concept of more than one and explore the concept of counting.
  • 19-21 Months Physical Development

    19-21 Months Physical Development
    During these months, toddlers can not walk well yet, jump in place, climb up or down one stair and pull toys with wheels.
  • 22-24 Months Physical Development

    22-24 Months Physical Development
    During these months, toddlers can kick a ball and squat while playing. they can also take lids off of containers and carry large toys while walking.
  • 22-24 Months Cognitive Development

    22-24 Months Cognitive Development
    During these months, toddlers can still rocognize and can name familiar people in photos, they show an increased memory for details and routines, understand the concept of more than one and still explore the concept of counting.
  • 24-30 Months Physical Development

    24-30 Months Physical Development
    During these months, toddlers can walk backwards and side ways, they can run without falling, jump in place and string beads.
  • 24-30 Months Cognitive Development

    24-30 Months Cognitive Development
    During these months, toddlers pretend play with others, begin to match, sort shapes and sort colors.
  • 30-36 Months Physical Development

    30-36 Months Physical Development
    During these months, toddlers can pedal a tricycle, scribble with pencils, crayons and markers, put on and take off clothing and can also kick a ball.
  • 30-36 Months Cognitive Development

    30-36 Months Cognitive Development
    During these months, toddlers can count three objects, match and sort similar pictures and objects, compare sizes of objects using the words "bigger", "really big", or "little, and enjoy movement.