physical : may stand with slight support. has improved grasping skills. crawls over small barriers, may climb stairs on hands and knees. -
cognitive: slowly increases vocabulary with four to three words.babbles with expression. amuses self with vocal play.recognize major body parts -
19-24 months
physical : runs without falling often -
19-24 months
cognitive: has vocabulary of about twenty words. uses ing speech too get desired result. enjoys hearing nursery rhymes.likes too respond too direction. -
25-30 months
physical: improves motor skills ; enjoys running but unable to measure large.likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on. can soap hands and arms easily. -
25-30 months
cognitive:uses two word sentences;refers too theirselves by name. vocabulary start at 200 words and increases too 500 words. -
31-36 months
physical: likes to be in constant motion. enjoys games in volving running.walks on tiptoes. -
31-36 months
cognitive: starts too use past tense ans plurals.may use prepositions.understands relative size (big and small)