12-15 months - Physical
- Stands alone
- Finger feeds
- Bends over to pick up an object
- Walks backwards
12-15 months - Cognitive
- Imitates others
- Enjoys looking at their reflection
- Says 2 words
- Plays simple games like 'Peek-a-boo'
16-18 months - Physical
- Turns the pages of books
- Can pedal on a trike
- Scribbles well
- Brushes teeth with help
16-18 months - Cognitive
- Becomes attached to an object or toy
- Has temper tantrums when frustrated
- Exhibit more indepence
- Points to get attention of others
19-21 months - Physical
- Can use a fork and spoon
- Can run
- Can walk up steps
- Can take off own clothes with help
19-21 months - Cognitive
- Can set simple goals
- Learns words at a rate of 10 or more a day
- Trys to 'feed' a doll
- Look for hidden items
22-24 months - Physical
- Can kick a ball forward
- Start hitting, kicking, and biting others
- Can walk down stairs
- Climbs onto and off furniture without help
22-24 months - Cognitive
- Can use 50 single words
- Follows two-step requests
- Can name a simple picture in a book
- Takes more interest in playing with other children
24-30 months - Physical
- Balances on one foot
- Takes off clothes
- Can wash and dry hands
- Jumps off ground
24-30 months - Cognitive
- Speaks clearly most of the time
- Can arrange things in categories
- Enjoys simple songs and stories
- Talks about themselves
30-36 months - Physical
- Can throw a ball overhand
- Can pedal on a tricycle
- Holds writing instrument with , not fist
- Can pour liquid from one container to another
30-36 months - Cognitive
- Knows 6 body parts
- Can name a color
- Can identify a friend by name
- Have 2-3 sentence conversations