Baby is born
13-18 months (physical)
- cruises along furniture. takes steps while holding onto parents' hands. May be able to walk a few steps alone
- pushes and pulls large toys around floor
- may turn knobs on tv and radio
13-18 months (cog.)
- may show fear of strangers
- likes to go for stroller or car rides *unable to tolerate frustration
19-24 months (physical)
*walks sideways and backwards
*loves to run, jump, and climb
*can throw ball in basket -
19-24 months (cog.)
*may reveal feelings of jealousy
*may show agressive tendencies such as slapping, hitting, and biting
*recognizes own power to be effective -
21/2 years (physical)
*climbs on jungle gym with fair ammount of ease
*enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. may collide with other people or obstacles
*throws ball overhead but aim is still poor -
21/2 years (cog.)
*may develop fear of dark, needs reassurance
*does not like to share toys
*recognizes self in photographs -
3 years ( physical)
*scribbles and draws circles as well as horizontal and vertical lines
* eats with a fork
* climbs up slide ladder and slides down -
3 years (cog.)
*feels bad when reprimanded for mistakes
*may exhibit fear and needs reassurance in fearful situations
*vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period