12-15 months- Physical Development
~Turns several pages of a book at a time
~Moves objects hand to hand
~Sits down without help
~May walk alone or while holding a caregiver's hand -
12-15 months- Cognitive development
~Copy others actions
~Follow simple directions
~Realize things still exist when they cannot see them
~Recongize their owny name -
16-18 months-Physical Development
~Sits down without help
~Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger
~Stacks two to four blocks
~Drinks from a cup -
16-18 months- Cognitive development
~Showing understanding of some colors and shapes
~Make groups of things like shoes, socks
~Uses imagination
~Plays with playdough and crayons -
19-21 months- Physical Development
~Kick a ball
~Ride on a small wheeled toy
~Sribble with crayon
~Throw and go get objects -
19-21 months- Cognitive development
~Use things objects like how they are suppose to be used Ex. Putting a phone to their ear.
~Recongize people in a family photo
~Shows interest in new sounds and people
~Shows a increase in memory and routines -
22-24 months- Physical Development
~Walks well
~Jumps in place
~Climbs up or down one stair
~Pulls toys with wheels -
22-24 months-Cognitive development
~Understand the meaning more than one
~Understands two part requests like "Go to the shelf and get a book"
~Explore the concept of counting
~Pretend play with others -
24-30 months- Physical Development
~Build a tower with 5 or more blocks
~Walk backwards and sideways
~Pedal on a easy tricycle
~Fold paper -
24-30 months- Cognitive development
~Complete simple puzzles
~Sort objects in small groups
~Starting to solve problems by trail and error
~Shows a increased attention span -
30-36 months- Physical Development
~Stacks nine to ten blocks
~Throws a ball overhead but inaccurately
~Screws lids on and off containers
~Runs but may not be able to stop easy -
30-36 months-Cognitive development
~Enjoys creative movement
~Compares sizes like bigger, smaller, really big
~Notices changes in nature like a flower growing
~Knows related to time like bed time or nap time