
Toddler Timeline

  • Happy Born-Day

    Happy Born-Day
    Baby FINALLY born after 9 months.
  • 12 to 15 months Physical

    12 to 15 months Physical
    Toddlers at this age are able to stand alone without holding on to things. Can also climb up things like stairs with their hands and knees.
  • congnituve 12 to 15 months

    congnituve 12 to 15 months
    Toddlers start to see things that other kids and grown ups may like and mimic them. They my also like to look around for things.
  • 16 to 18 months

    16 to 18 months
    Toddlers start to remeber where things are like toys play with , favortie blankets , etc.
  • 16 to 18 months physical

    16 to 18 months physical
    Toddlers start to run and squat down at this age.
  • 19 to 21 months physical

    19 to 21 months physical
    when ever toddlers hear the sound of music , they repsond to it by moving there body or "baby dancing"
  • 19 to 21 month cognutive

    19 to 21 month cognutive
    At this age toddlers start to put objects in the correct hole , like circles in a round hole , squares in sqaure hole , etc. They start to learn the difference.
  • 22 to 24 months cognituve

    22 to 24 months cognituve
    At this age toddlers get really excited when they've accomplished an activity of some sort. Also could poorly draw some pictutres.
  • 22-24 months physical

    22-24 months physical
    This age , toddlers can start to walk better with more coordination . Could also throw things with more coordination,
  • 24-30 months Physical

    24-30 months Physical
    toddlers like running alot , but may stop to play with other things or on other stuff like playground equipment.
  • 24- 30 months cognitive

    24- 30 months cognitive
    toddlers start to like and enjoy kid tv shows like dora , telly tubbys , barney etc.
  • 30 to 36 months cognitive

    30 to 36 months cognitive
    Toddlers start to like playing with their imagination ,role playing etc. Can also look at picture of of them and recognize themselves
  • 30 to 36 months physical

    30 to 36 months physical
    Toddlers at this age crave motion , as in they like moving around and stuff , they don't like being still, They enjoy jungles gyms , running climbing etc.