Baby Born
13-15 months physical
- May stand erect with only slight support
- Crawls forward or backward with varying speed -May climb out of crib, high chair, or stoller.
13-15 months cognitive
- Experiments with actions never tried before.
- Begins to form concepts
- Looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight.
16-18 months-physical
- Jumps with both feet.
- Pushes and pulls large toys arounds the floor
- walks fast and runs stiffly
16-18 months cognitive
-Gradually refines concepts
- Remembers where objects belong
-Short attention span -
19-21 months physical
-Walks sideways and backwards
-Runs without falling often
-Hangs from bar, grasping with hands -
19-21 month cognitive
- Remembers familar objects without seeing them.
- Obtain familiar objects from different room when asked
- Interested in tiny things such as bugs.
22-24 Months Physical
-Likes to play with modeling clay.
-Holds crayon with thumb and fingers.
-Throws ball overhead instead of tossing. -
22-24 Months Cognitive
-Has a vocabulary of 50 words or more.
-Listens to and enjoys simple stories.
-mitates parents' words and inflections. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1WKR9Ksy04 -
24-30 Months Physical
-Opens doors by turning knobs.
-Can soap hands and arms easily.
-Tears paper and manipulates clay. -
24-30 Months Cognitive
-Uses two-word sentences.
-Can follow two-step commands.
-Solves problems by imitating past actions. -
30-36 Months Physical
-Turns doorknobs with greater strength.
-Eats with a fork.
-Makes mud pies and sand castles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87gyGrwQq0I&feature=related -
30-36 Months Cognitive
-uses personal pronouns correctly.
-Recognizes self in photographs
-Identifies familiar objects by touch.