The baby is born
The baby is born -
Period: to
Toddler Development
13-15 Months Physical development
Toddlers may stand with only slight support. May creep like a bear, with hands and feet in contact with the floor. Toddlers still need improvement in manipulation skills and enjoy filling and emptying containers with small objects -
13-15 Months Cognitive development
Toddler begins to form concepts, notices the actions of other children and adults. Explores different features of objects as if studying them. Slowly increases vocabulary to 4-6 words. May use sounds to indicate specific objects. -
16 - 18 months physical development
May be able to walk sideways, squats down smoothly from standing posistion, and improves throwing motion, first using whole body, then using just arm movements. Likes to grab anything and everything and begins to scribble. -
16-18 months cognitive development
Remembers where objects belong and begins to figure things out through thought process. Has a short attention span and enjoys workin with shapes on form boards. Vocabulary increases to 6-10 words. Uses words instead of gestures to express some wants, such as "up" or "cookie". -
19-21 Months Physical Development
Walks sideways and backwards. Runs without falling often. Loves to run, jump, and climb. Holds two objects in hand easily. Holds container in one hand, puts small objects into it with the other, then dumps the objects out. -
19 - 21 Months Cognitive Development
Toddlers can remember familiar objects without seeing them and can obtain familiar objects from different rooms when asked. They have a vocabulary of about 20 words and love labeling objects and parts of the body. -
22-24 Months Physical Development
Walks sideways and backwards with ease, and walks with more coordination and assurance. Likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts. Shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements. -
22-24 Months Cognitive Development
Toddlers become interested in the outcome of activities rather than the activities themselves and also becomes interested in the precise placement of objects. May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are and is interested in sound repetition. -
24-30 Months Physical Development
Toddlers improve motor skills as torso lenghtens and baby fat begins to disappear and they climb everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places. Open doors by turning knobs and can remove wrapping from gum and candy. -
24-30 Months Cognitive Development
Toddlers become increasingly interested in children's TV shows and understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior. Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations.Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period. -
30-36 Months Physical Development
Toddlers like to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards and they also enjoy games involving running. They turn doorknobs with greater strength and they also like to paint using full arm motions combined withfinger motions . -
30-36 Months Cognitive Development
Toddlers begin to classify objects into general catergories and they try new play activities to disover more about how things work. They start using past tense and plurals, also they ask names of objects and repeat them.