Baby is born
Baby begins walking (13 mnths)
- this is known as a gross motor skill
- even if they arent beginning to walk they go by their own pace
- they toddle and grab on things to move place to place
baby's vocabulary increases by words (15 mnths)
-use of 4 words to 6 words at a time
-uses gestures to decribe what they dont know yet
-babbles with expressions
-may attempt to imitate words said by others -
taking off clothes&pretend (20 mnths)
- ex: feeding their dolls/stuffed animals
- important part of their social&personal development
- will assert their independence
- dont know how to share yet, but loves to be with friends
throws ball overhand&kicks it forward (21 mnths)
- they learn well by watching someone else perform the task
- give positive reinforcements for their effort
- fine motor skill and uses hand-eye coordination
speaks clearly mostly (26 mnths)
- learns rules of language&how adults communicate
- makes mental,emotional&behavioral leaps
- begins using words to describe their senses&emotions
- may struggle with their volume when talking
- uses "I", "me", "you"
- vocabulary grows up to 300 words
starts to recognize their ABC's (28 mnths)
- use of visual aids while they recognize colors, letters, shapes, and animals
- mental&visual development
- alphabet magnets
- let them recognize the letters in name
is potty trained during the day (34 mnths)
- give rewards when goal is acommplished
- may have frustrations and/or setbacks
seperates fairly easy (36 mnths)
- continues to test his limits and may go farther away when exploring
- ex: coloring on walls, even after being told no
- " I can do it myself."
- giving your child choices to expand their independence