Baby is Born!!!
13 to 15 Months; Physical
May stand with only slight support. Picks up things with thumb and one finger. Crawls over small barriers. May be able to walk a few steps alone. May climb stairs on hands and knees. May be ale to back down stairs. May climb out of crib, high chair, stroller. -
13 to 15 Months; Cognitive
Explores diffrent features of objects as if studying them. Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surface. Looks at book and pats recognized pictures. Discovers ability to make things happen on there own. -
16 to 18 Months; Cognitive
Gradually refines concepts. Remembers were objects belong. Enjoys working with shapes on foam board. scribles more freely but also can imitate strokes in drawing. Begins to figure things out through thought process. -
16 to 18 Months; Physical
Able to walk sideways. stands on either foot with support. walks fast and runs stiffly. walks into ball; is unadle to kick ball. can squat from standing position easily. Jumps with both feet. Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor. -
19 to 21 Months; Physical
Loves to run, jump and climb. Walks sideways and backward. Runs without falling often. Walks up and down stairs with help. Hangs from bar, grasping with hands. Sits on floor from standing postion quite easily. Jumps forward and in place. -
19 to 21 Months; Cognitive
Can remember familiar objects without seeing them. looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures. learns to distiguish diffrent sounds and smells. likes to make marks on paper with big crayons. -
22 to 24 Months; Physical
Bounces and sways in simple dancing. Can sit self in chair with ease. Likes to walk on low walls and preform other stunts. Throws ball over head instead of tossing. Jumps with both feet off the floor. Can throw ball into basket. Alternates between sitting and standing positions easily. -
22 to 24 Months; Cognitive
Becomes interested in the outcome of activities insted of just the activity itself. Identifies familiar objects on the TV screen. May be able to recall what is lost and were it might be. May be able to draw crude pictures and tell you what they are. -
24 to 30 Months; Physical
Improves moter skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear. Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. Climbs everywhere indoors even forbidden places. Kicks ball forward. Plays on playground equiptment. -
24 to 30 Months; Cognitive
Becomes increasingly interested in in childrens TV shows. Is better able to plan a play activity and carry it out. Remembers sequence of stories and my be able to retell them. Can follow two-step commands. is albe to interpret pictures drawn or painted. -
30 to 36 Months; Physical
Likes to be in consent motion,running or walking sideways or backward. Enjoys games involving running. Goes up stairs by alternating feet. Walks on tiptoe. Catches large ball with hands and arms out straight. Throws ball over ead but aim is still poor. -
30 to 36 Months; Cognitive
Begins to classify objects into general categories. Tries out various roles in make believe play. Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together. Reveals intellectual curiosity in reading books and watching TV. Can remember and follow three-step commands.