Jada was born on December 23rd 1998 -
13-15 Months: Physical
Pulls to a stand and cruises furniture; can take objects in and out of containers; throws objects;
Attempts to use utensils and feed himself; Follows simple commands; imitates adults during play; may walk unaided; so much to say. -
13-15 Months: Cognitive
helps get himself dressed; takes an interest in and makes eye contact with other babies.
plays alone for short periods of time.
Follows simple commands; imitates adults during play; -
16-18 Months: Physical
Climbs stairs; imitates others; scribbles with crayon
drinks from a cup; walks up steps.
points to desired objects; brushes teeth with help. -
16-18 Months: Cognitive
understands most of what you say; turns the pages of a book; does one-piece puzzles; stacks two to three blocks.
Demonstrates memory of people and places;
Forms two-word sentences; -
19-21 Months: Physical
walk sideways and backwards
love to run, climb, and jump
hold two objects in hand easily -
19-21 Months: Cognitive
can remember familiar objects without seeing them
progress from simple imitation to imaginative play -
22-24 Months: Physical
Walks with more coordination and assurance
Bounces and aways in simple dancing movements
Jumps with both feet off the floor -
22-24 Months: Cognitive
Enjoys form boards and simple puzzles
Follows simple directions
May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are -
24-30 Months: Physical
Can open doors by turning knobs
Climbs everywhere indoors
Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment -
24-30 Months: Cognitive
Becomes increasingly interested in childrens tv shows
Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations -
30-36 Months: Physical
Scribbles and draws circles as well as horizontal and vertical lines
Takes objects and puts them back together -
30-36 Months: Cognitive
Recognize self in photographs
Vocabulary starts at about 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period