Birth of Child
13-15 months Physical
May satand alone without support for a short time.
Cross over small barriers.
Has improved grasping skills. -
Cute Video!
13-15 months Cognitive
Begins to form consepts.
Notices actions of other children and adults.
Loves to mimic all actions. -
16-18 months Physical
Maybe be able to walk sideways.
Walk fast or run stiftly.
Likes to grab anything and everything -
16-18 months Cognitive
Remebers where objects belong.
Identifies simple pictures in a book (ex dog, ball, so on)
Vocabulary increases to 6-10 words -
19-21 months Physical
Walks up and downstairs with help.
Sits on floor from standing popsition easily.
Holds container in one hand, puts small objects into it, then dumps objects out. -
19-21 months Cognitive
Progresses from simple immitations to imaginative play.
Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures.
Has vocabulary of about 20 words. -
22-24 months Physical
Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements.
Alternates between standing and siting positions easily,
Shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements. -
22-24 months Cognitive
Becomes interested in the outcomes of activities rather than just the activities themselves.
Becomes interested in the percise placement of objects; enjoys form boards and simple puzzles.
Has vocabulary of 50 or more words. -
24-30 months Physical
Enjoys running but not very stable, so has to keep on stoping.
Climbs everywhere indoors,even in forbidden places.
Opens doors by turning knobs. -
Cute Video!
24-30 months Cognitive
Becomes interested in children's TV shows.
Understands casue and effect of their own behaviors.
Recognizes familiar signs in enviornments. -
30-36 months Physical
Likes to be in constant motion, running, or walking sideways or backwards.
Jumps from any elevated object, sometimes miscalculating height.
Takes objects apart and puts them back together. -
Cute Video!
30-36 months Cognitive
Begins classifying objects in general categories.
Tries new play activities to discover more about how things work.
Vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period.