Baby is born
12-15 Months
Intellectual Development
She begins to form concepts. Experiments with actions never tried before. Tries to imitate words others say. She can responds to her own name and comes when called. -
12-15 Months
Physical Development
Can take steps while holding onto parents' hand. Enjoys filling and emptying containers with small objects, She climbs out of crib, high chairs, and strollers. Trys to turn doorknobs. -
16-18 Months
Intellectual Development
She can remembers where objects belong. Has short attention span. Refers to herself by name when asked. Can use two-word phrases. -
16-18 Months
Physical Development
Started to push and pull large toys around the floor. Begins to scribble. Likes to grab everything. Can stand on either foot with support. She is able to walk sideways. -
19-21 Months
Physical Development
She loves to run, jump, and climb. Walks up and down the stairs with help. She starts to hold two objects in hand easily. She can now build towers of five or six blocks. -
19-21 Months
Intellectual Development
She looks at books for longer time period , studying pictures. she has learn to distinguish different sounds and smell. Has a vocabulary of about 20 words. She likes to resonds to diections. Likes to ask "what's that" constantly. -
22-24 Months
Physical Developing
She can walks with more coordination and assurance. She alternates between standing and sitting positions easily. She can now shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements. Enjoys playing with modeling clay. -
22-24 Months
Intellectual Development
She has become more interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themself. She can recognizes when pictures in books are upside down. Can now ask for food when hungry and something to drink when thirsty, Likes to listen and enjoys simple stories. -
24-30 Months
Intellectual Development
Now understand cause and effect in terms of own behavior. Has become intrested in children's TV shows. Likes to learn names for new objects. She can use two-word sentences. -
24-30 Months
Physical Development
Climbs everywhere indoors. Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment. She can remove wrapping from gum and candy. Can now opens doors by turning knobs. -
30-36 Months
Intellectual Development
She recognizes self in photographs. Has become more skilled in putting puzzles together. Understands relative size (big and small). Ask names of objects and repeats them. -
30-36 Months
Physical Development
She likes to be in constant motion. Enjoys games involving running. Prefers to sit in adult chairs than smaller chairs. Started eating with a fork. Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motions.