Baby is born
13-15 months (physical)
-hold on to furniture to walk
-put themselves to sitting position to standing position
may stand alone without support for a short time
-crawls over small barriers
-can sit in small chairs for short periods of time -
13-15 months (cognitive)
Physical development of toddlers and infants video-has very short memory and almost no forethought
-is able to fit round blocks into rround hole and form board
-shows interest in new textures -
16-18 months (physical)
-stands on either foot with support
-walks fast and runs stiffly
-walks into ball; is unable to kick ball
-pushes and pull large toys around the floor
-may able to walk sideways -
16-18 months (cognitive)
-gradually refines concepts
-rememeber where objects belong
-begins to figure things out through thought process
-has short attention spand -
19-21 months (physical)
-walks sideways and backwards
runs without falling often
-runs without falling often
-walks up and down stairs with help
-loves to jump and climb -
19-21 months (cognitive)
-can remember familiar objects without seeing them
-is interested in tiny things such as books
-likes to make marks on paper with big crayons -
22-24 months (physical)
-throws ball overhand instead of tossing
-likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts
-can seat self in small chair with ease -
22-24 months (cognitive)
-indentifies familiar objects on tv
-can throw ball into basket
-throws ball overhead instead of tossing -
24-30 months (physical)
-improves motor skills and torso lengths and babyfat begins to disapears
-likes to imitate drawings of older children
-can follow 2 step commands
-likes to listen to tapes of stories or songs -
24-30 months (cognitive)
-becomes increasingly interested in childrens tv shows
-plays on swings
-throws ball overhand -
30-36 months (physical)
-likes to be constand motion, running or walking sideways or backwards
-throws ball overhand but aim is still poor
-walks on tippytoes
-sits in adult chairs -
30-36 months (cognitive)
-begins to classify objects into general categories
-recognizes self in photos
-can remember 3 step commands
-becomes more skill with putting puzzles together