
By pattyxx
  • 0-12 months

    0-12 months
    moves head briefly to look around
    hold objects with hand
    Rolls over
  • 0-12 months

    0-12 months
    congitive: has very short memory
    likes to look at pictures
    copys speech sounds
  • 13-15

    Physical: can sit in small chair
    cruises along furniture
    plays alone for short periods of time.
  • 13-15 months

    13-15 months
    Follows simple commands
    imitate adults
    takes an interest in and makes eye contact with other babies.
  • 16-18

    Physical: pushes and pulls large toys
    likes to grab anything and everything
    Climbs stairs
    turns the pages of a book
  • 16-18 months

    16-18 months
    Congnitive: has short attenttion span
    enjoys working with shapes on foam board
    does one-piece puzzles
    points to desired objects
  • 19-21 months

    19-21 months
    Physical/Large Motor Skills/Small motor skills
    Can kick ball
    walks sideways and backward
    holds objects with two hands
    Enjoys imitating animal sounds
  • 19-21 months

    19-21 months
    looks at books for a longer time
    likes to make marks on paper with big crayons
    Sorts and organizes objects by common attributes
    names familiar objects and people
  • 22-24 months

    22-24 months
    throws ball overhead
    jupms with both feet
    likes to play with modeling clay
    Can pedal a tricycle
  • 22-24 months

    22-24 months
    follows simple directions
    intrested in the placement of objects
    starts to understand rules
    asks questions to keep a conversation going
  • 24-30 months

    24-30 months
    enjoys running
    open doors by turning knobs
    remove lids by usig wrist
    Build a tower of five or more blocks.
  • 24-30

    intrested in childerns tv shows
    uses two-words sentences
    show intreset in using the toilet
    Run without falling
  • 30-36 months

    30-36 months
    goes upstairs by alternating feet
    likes to paint using full arm motion
    Put on and take off clothes
    twirling around
  • 30-36 months

    30-36 months
    ask names of objects and repeats them
    recognizes self in a photo
    Join in songs and finger plays
    Cuts paper with small safety scissors