World political map

Today's Political Map

  • European Nationalism

    A strong wave of nationalism swept over Europe, turning them into unified countries rather than small states.
  • Seven Years War

    Britain won Canada from France.
  • American Independence

    American breaks free from British rule.
  • Latin American Independence

    America inspired Latin American colonies to also break away from European rule, so by 1833 most of Latin America is free.
  • Later Imperialism

    Most European countries decide to meet and lay out claims in Africa and Asia with no regard for existing peoples.
  • Decolonization

    The United Nations help almost all European colonies gain independence.
  • Civil Wars in the Developing World

    The boundaries made by Europe in the new independent African colonies did not match with the actual dynamics of African people, so civil wars filled the era.
  • Collapse of Communism

    Once the Berlin wall was torn down, the USSR lost its grip on its satellite states and the balance of world power saw a great shift. Western Europe and the United States gained all the power.