Today’s Political Map

  • 1756-1763

    Known in North America as the French and Indian war, the British won control of Canada from France.
  • The 1800's

    The 1800's
    The 1800's saw an explosion of nationalism in Europe. On the one hand, groups rebelled against being part of large empires that were controlled by another culture.
  • 1833

    Most of Latin America was free from European rule, and nationalism was spreading through the region
  • 1884

    Representatives from the major empires of Europe met in the German capital of Berlin to lay out claim made on the continent of Africa
  • 1945

    People in colonies wanted control over natural resources, free elections, and changes in society such as racial equality and relgious freedom. The UN was created in response
  • 1956-1968

    Attempts by Hungary and Czechoslovakia were made to break away from Soviet domination. Unfortantely they were stopped, but they continued to press on.
  • 1960-1970

    32 colonial territories in Africa gained indpendence
  • 1945-1991

    The cole was was a period of military rivalry between the US and the Union of Societ Socialist Republics. It started at the end of WWII(1945) and then spanned through the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.