
Tobacco in the 1700s - RTHS PE P3

  • Period: to

    Tobacco in the 1700s

  • Virginia Inspection Act initiated

    Virginia Inspection Act initiated
    The plan for nationwide tobacco standardization is initiated.
  • Period: to

    Unstable Tobacco Prices/Market

    Prices fluctuate frequently
  • Pope Benedict XIII supports smoking

    Pope Benedict XIII supports smoking
    Pope Benedict XIII learns to smoke and repeals the Papal Bulls against smoking set by his predecessor.
  • NC Tobacco Banned in VA

    North Carolina tobacco was banned for a time in Virginia.
  • Virginia Inspection Act put into effect

    Virginia Inspection Act put into effect
    The Virginia Inspection Act promoted sweeps of tobacco exports, ensuring maximum quality of the products and eliminating 'trash tobacco,' assorted filler material such as random leaves in place of tobacco.
  • Period: to

    Tobacco Prices Stabilize

  • First clinical study on the effects of tobacco is performed

    First clinical study on the effects of tobacco is performed
    In this groundbreaking study, it was found that tobacco users have a greater chance of nose cancer.
  • Cigars are introduced to the US

    Cigars are introduced to the US
    General Israel Putnam introducings smoking cigars to the United States.
  • A study shows that tobacco causes lip cancer

    A study shows that tobacco causes lip cancer
    Continuing the growing trend of negative tobacco studies, Samuel Thomas von Soemmerring discovers that smoking tobacco in a pipe causes an increased risk of lip cancer.
  • Benjamin Rush compares tobacco to alcohol

    Benjamin Rush compares tobacco to alcohol
    Benjamin Rush, a respected physician and one of the Founding Fathers, writes about the medical dangers of tobacco and claims that smoking leads to and is comparable to drunkenness.
  • Canada enters the business

    Tobacco begins being commercially produced and advertised in Canada.