My birthday- Brown v. Board of Education
On May 17, 1954, my birthday, (1991) the decision was handed down by the Supreme Court in case Brown vs. Board of Education. That court case decided that racial segregation in the United States was unconstitutional. The court case overturned an earlier ruling in the Supreme Court Case Plessey vs. Ferguson, which stated that racial segregation in public schools was legal. This Court case paved the way to the civil rights movement of the 20th century. -
Flight 592
Valujet Flight 592 crashed after a fire occurred right after take off. All 110 were killed on impact. Flight was from Miami to Atlanta. After the flight was delayed due to mechanical issues, the flight finally took off where after a few minutes into the flight a fire occurred. The crash of Flight 592 then lead to the downfall of the Valujet Corporation. -
September 11th Attacks kill nearly 3000 Americans in the city of New York, Virginia and Shanksville, PA. Osama bin Laden took credit for the attacks and US responded with two wars in the Middle East, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Over 4,000 troops died in Iraq while over 2,000 have died in Afghanistan since the wars have started. -
North Korea Nuclear Test
North Korea announces that it conducted it's first nuclear test. This put the western world on edge, especially the United States. The immediate world response was a bit of panic. North Korea gave China 20 minutes notice of the detonation. China immediately warned the United States, where President George W. Bush then put the nation on a state of alert. -
Osama Bin Laden Killed
President Obama, on a Sunday night announced that Osama Bin Laden, mastermind of the September 11th attacks was killed by US troops in Pakistan. Navy Seals under the cover of darkness invaded a compound that Osama Bin Laden was staying in and killed him after a small firefight with Bin Laden supporters. The United States citizens rejoiced in the fact that the man that killed nearly 3,000 people ten years before was finally dead.