To what degree does this time period represent a period of progress or decline?

  • Progress: Women on the Home Front (+1)

    Progress: Women on the Home Front (+1)
    While nurses across seas were working hard to care for soldiers, the women at home were taking on a great deal of responsibility as well. With the men away at war, all their jobs opened up and the women had to join the workforce to support their families. While working in place of their husbands, they also had to complete the male household chores, their own household chores, and care for the children. This gave women an acceptance in society for all their hard work during the war.
  • Progress: Recruits Volenteered (+2)

    Progress: Recruits Volenteered (+2)
    In 1914, Canada was a small country of only 8 million people. Out of those people, 600,000 served in the war (nurses, ambulance drivers, soldiers ect.). Canada sent 20-30% of its population to go fight in WW1. Before the war, Canada had a very small armed force, but with the help from recruitment posters, Canadians were eager to "do their bit" and fight in the war.
  • Decline: Enemy Aliens (-1)

    Decline: Enemy Aliens (-1)
    During World War I, the Canadian government gave the name "Enemy Aliens" to all citizens born in enemy countries including Austrians, Hungarians, Turkish, and Germans. Not only did they pin this name on many people but they sent them to concentration camps, forcing them to live in dangerous, life threatening conditions.These innocent people did nothing wrong and were sent to camps simply because of Canada's hatred towards their enemies.
  • Progress: Jeremiah Jones (+2)

    Progress: Jeremiah Jones (+2)
    Jeremiah Jones was the first step towards black people being recognized for their efforts in the war. He was famous for running through enemy fire to throw a grenade, which resulted in 7 enemy casualties, and saving his entire unit. For his heroic act, he was awarded the Canadian Forces Medallion for Distinguished Service. Jeremiah Jones was one of the few Canadian soldiers that had coloured skin and served in World War I, and his heroic acts proved that skin colour doesn't matter.
  • Decline: The Spanish Flu (-2)

    Decline: The Spanish Flu (-2)
    The Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-19 killed around 40 million people worldwide, making it one of the largest and most destructive outbreaks of infectious disease in history. It first appeared in Newfoundland and Labrador in September 1918 and killed more than 600 people in less than five months. The effects were most devastating in Labrador, where the disease killed close to one third of the Inuit population and forced some communities out of existence.
  • Decline: Conscription Law (-1)

    Decline: Conscription Law (-1)
    In 1918, there was a decreasing amount of men recruiting to the army because they no longer found it exciting and honourable. To keep his promise to our allies, Robert Borden enforced conscription. He made it mandatory that all men between ages 20 and 45 serve in the army, even though 90% called for exemptions. Conscription caused many feuds and divided Canada and made many Canadian citizens angry.
  • The Roaring 20's (0)

    The Roaring 20's (0)
    The 1920s in Canada was a decade of progress and decline. There was much improvement in the Canadian economy, and there was a lot of new and exciting technology, but that doesn't make up for all the bad that happened including the Chinese Immigration act, which was a law that banned Chinese immigration to Canada.