Period: to
Missouri Compromise
Missouri wished to become a free state but sense it was part of the terrotory purchused during the Louisiana Pucharse it could not do so due to the fact it would thow the balence between free and slave states.So Missouri applied to become a state and seperated from the terrotory.But could still not apply without destroying the balence.But then Maine applied so Missouri joined the union.And Maine joined the conferderates. -
Dred Scott Desision
Dred Scott was a slave who was in a free state he belived sience he had lived in a free state he should be a free man.So he desided to sue his owner to be free.When he went to court they ruled in his favor but changed it to rule against Scott later on. -
Emancipation Proclaimation
A document stating that 11 conferderate states were spliting from the union before the civil war. -
End of Civil War
General Lee of the Confederate army realised he wasnt going to win the war so instead of pointlessly killing soilders he wrote a letter to Generla Grant of the Union requesting for a meeting to discuss Lee's surender. -
After the Civil war America's economy was in a horrible state.So after for 12 years,1865-1877, numerous attempts were made to fix the economy.But first the people who had been willing to kill each other before had to unite and forgive each other in order to fix the country. -
Plessy vs Ferguson
The case started in 1892 when Plessy challenged the seperate but equal laws of railroad cars.Plessy appeared white but was truly black which most likely had given him access to both black and white cars.When Plessy first sued he sued Ferguson,a criminal district judge,and the court ruled in Plessy's favor.But then later was cverruled and the law was once again considered constitutional and segragation continued. -
Great Depression
The Great Deprssion was finally triggered by a stock mardet collapse on October 9th of 1929.People lost everthing overnight, banks collapesed and jobs were extremly scarce which made such issues as civil rights seem unimportant and so the civil rights movement was forced to take a step backward. -
To Kill a Mockingbird Story Setting
To Kill a Mockingbird was set in the south in the 1930's.A time when the civil rights movement was still flaming and racism was not always considered a bad thing but also was an everyday occurance.Of course this affects the behaviors events and story line of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. -
Brown VS Board of Educatin of Topeka
Brown sued Topeka Kansas' board of education pleaing that segragtion in schools was unconstitutional.Due to this case segragation in schools was ruled unconstitutional and school were forced to start integrating. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
For exactly 1year and 16days civil rights supporters stopped using the buses in Montgomery.This signifigantly decreased the cities cash flow and eventually Montgomery stopped bus segragation in order to restore the cities income. -
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mocking Bird was published in 1960 during the civil rights movement which affected the setting and story in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. -
March on Washington
The March on Washington was a large civil rights protest led by Martin Luther King jr.