To kill a mockingbird cover

To Kill A Mockingbird Important Events

By kmdtwin
  • Period: to

    To Kill A Mockingbird

  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    The Great Depression Begins in the Unites States.
  • Gandhi's Salt March

    Gandhi's Salt March
    Gandhi leads a march against taxes on salt in India.
  • Scientists Split The Atom

    Scientists Split The Atom
    Scientists split the atom for the first, a huge scientific achievement.
  • Adolf HItler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf HItler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany, giving him power.
  • First Nazi Concentration Camp

    First Nazi Concentration Camp
    The first concentration camp for Jews is established by Adolf HItler.
  • Dill Decides to Make Boo Come Out of the House

    Dill Decides to Make Boo Come Out of the House
    Dill, a boy visiting for the summer, hears rumors about Boo Radley, a social introvert, and creates a plan with Scout and Jem to get him out of his house, which fails.
  • Scout Starts School

    Scout Starts School
    2 months later, Scout enters the 1st grade, already knowing much of the material and is punished for it from the teacher.
  • Dill Goes Home

    Dill Goes Home
    Dill leaves his Aunts house for the summer and returns home for the school year.
  • Boo Leaves 2 pieces of Gum in his Oak Tree

    Boo Leaves 2 pieces of Gum in his Oak Tree
    2 days after Dill leaves, Boo Radley leaves gum in his oak tree for Scout to find on her way home from school, surprising her.
  • Nathan Radley Shoots at Jem, Scout, and Dill

    Nathan Radley Shoots at Jem, Scout, and Dill
    Almost a year later, Dill returns for the summer, so Scout, Jem, and Dill try to see Boo Radley by looking through his window, and end up getting shot at by Nathan Radley, Boo's older brother. They later find Jem's shorts, which he lost when running away, sewn up by Boo.
  • Scout Starts 2nd Grade

    Scout Starts 2nd Grade
    A month later, Dill leaves again and Scout starts her 2nd grade year. She finds more objects in the oak tree, like a medal, pocket watch. knife, and a keychain.
  • Tom Robinson Arrested

    Tom Robinson Arrested
    Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of attacking a white women and gets arrested.
  • Atticus Finch Defends Tom Robinson

    Atticus Finch Defends Tom Robinson
    Atticus Finch, a lawyer and Scout's dad, agrees to defend Tom Robinson in court.
  • Tom Robinson Trial

    Tom Robinson Trial
    Tom Robinson is found guilty in court, even though the opposing team has no evidence, and has to go to jail.
  • Tom Robinson Trys to Escape

    Tom Robinson Trys to Escape
    Tom Robinson attempts to escape from jail, but is shot dead.
  • Bob Ewell Attacks Scout

    Bob Ewell Attacks Scout
    Bob Ewell, the father of the girl who Tom Robinson was accused of attacking, attacked Scout on Halloween after he lost his job. Boo Radley saw, and stabbed Bob Ewell to protect Scout. Scout saw and brought Boo home to explain what happened, where she finds out he isn't bad at all, and befriends him.