To Kill A Mockingbird

  • Dill Comes To Town

    Dill Comes To Town
    Dill comes to Jem + Scout
  • Scout Begins 1st Grade

    Scout Begins 1st Grade
  • Walter comes to dinner

    Walter comes to dinner
  • Jem and Scout find a small box containing two pennies

    Jem and Scout find a small box containing two pennies
  • The hole is filled with cement

    The hole is filled with cement
  • Tom Robinson Was Arrested

    Tom Robinson Was Arrested
  • Atticus Is Assigned To Defend Tom Robinson

    Atticus Is Assigned To Defend Tom Robinson
  • Francis calls Atticus a 'ni**er lover'

    Francis calls Atticus a 'ni**er lover'
  • Atticus shoots a mad dog in the street

    Atticus shoots a mad dog in the street
  • Jem gets in trouble for cutting of Mrs.Dubose's camellias

    Jem gets in trouble for cutting of Mrs.Dubose's camellias
  • Mrs.Dubose dies

  • Aunt Alexandra moves in

  • Jem & Scout go to Cal's church

    Jem & Scout go to Cal's church
  • Scout starts 2nd grade

    Scout starts 2nd grade
  • Mrs.Radley dies

  • Maudie's house burned down

    Maudie's house burned down
  • Boo puts a blanket around Scout's shoulders

    Boo puts a blanket around Scout's shoulders
  • Dill returns to Maycomb

    Dill returns to Maycomb
  • The Trial

    The Trial
    The Trial between Tom Robinson and Mayelle Euwell.
    Scout, Jem, and Dill sit at the balcony.
  • Tom Robinson is found guilty although he is innocent

    Tom Robinson is found guilty although he is innocent
  • Calpurnia finds food as gifts on the porch

    Calpurnia finds food as gifts on the porch
  • Tom Robinson is shot from attempting to escape from prison

    Tom Robinson is shot from attempting to escape from prison
  • Bob Ewell loses his job and leaves a hate note at the judge’s home. Maycomb county Halloween pagaent

    Bob Ewell loses his job and leaves a hate note at the judge’s home. Maycomb county Halloween pagaent
  • Boo stabs Ewell and Scout walks him home

    Boo stabs Ewell and Scout walks him home