The fight
When the bell rings, Scout runs after Walter and tackles him because she got him in trouble for defending him. Jem stops the fight and asks Walter to come eat dinner with heir family. -
The Dinner
Walter starts eating and talking about farm work with Atticus. He is talking to him like a grown adult because he is a professional at that. -
Meet the Ewell
When Scout returns to school, Miss Caroline spots a cutie in Burris Ewells hair. She tells him to go home and to not come back until he takes a shower. -
Miss Caroline cries
Burris says that he will never come back bevuase he is an Ewell. Ewells apperantly only show up the first day of to satisy the truant then they leave. Burris is already over school and manages to make the teacher cry. -
Atticus educates Scout
Atticus tells her to try to think about things from the other peoples perspective. He aso tells her that he would keep reading with her if she kept going to school.