By 35300
  • Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    The story takes place in Yukon, Alaska, during the month of January. The temperatures are extreme and begin with sixty-degrees below zero. Snow is covering the ground in a thick blanket.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    The main character is described as being a young and brawny male. He is very large and muscular as well as being positive, carefree, and self-confident.
  • Rising Action

    The main character takes of his mittens, and immediatley feels the harsh effects of frost bite. This is showing just how intense the cold is.
  • Rising Action

    The main character performs the spit test to understand the temperature. It is so cold that the soit freezes before reaching the snow.
  • Climax

    The climax occurs when the main character falls through the ice of the creek. The boots, socks, and feet of the character are wet, putting him in immediate danger.
  • Falling Action

    The main character attemps to make a fire to dry himself and was successful. However, a branch drops the snow it's been holding into the fire, extinguishing it.
  • Falling Action

    The main character attempts to make a new fire, but his hands are very cold and numb. His hands begin to shake very violently, causing the flame to die.
  • Falling Action

    In an attempt to create a life-saving fire, the character must burn his own hands. This ignites the fire, allowing his to warm himself.
  • Resolution

    The resolution occurs when the main character is able to thaw out, and make it to safety. The fire saves his life and this is where the story ends.